First Inspection. 30/06/08

 Things didnt go the way I hoped with the first inspection. The prick inspecting the chassis is nothing more than a corrupt arsehole.
After we got back from the inspection. Joe couldnt wait to start smoothing down my welds with a flap disc on his 9 inch grinder...

Getting square. 04/05/08

Angle iron jig was made to support the diff in the right position.
Test fitting rear guard to check clearance between body panel and diff tube.
Gold coloured coil springs are from a Jag and are used to dummy up spring mounts and ride height.

Engine & Gearbox dummy up. 04/05/08

 We wheeled the motor and box in place for a trial fit. We probably starred at it for an hour after that....

Joe in the drivers seat.

More test fitting and chassis welding. 04/03/08

I was paranoid about the chassis twisting during the welding stage so braces were in place and level checked every 5 minutes.

Engineering the Chassis. 01/03/08

 First dummy up of the diff and front end.

 The agonising first cut of the chassis for the kick up. No turning back now.
 Can never have enough clamps.
Took a couple of goes to get all the angles right but we got there in the end.